Guest Speakers

Upcoming thought leader weeks at Rythmia

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Feb 21 - 28, 2021

Adam Markel

Waking Up to the Now

Adam Markel is a speaker, author and entrepreneur, who inspires, empowers and guides people to achieve massive and lasting personal and professional growth. A recognized expert in the integration of business and personal development. Adam speaks and mentors around the globe in the areas of business, entrepreneurship, leadership and transformation.

Meet Adam Markel

Feb 28 - Mar 7, 2021

Taita Juanito

Plant Medicine

Work face-to-face with Taita at Rythmia, as he will be holding sacred space for two evenings. Prior to ceremony he will meet with you one-on-one to acquaint himself with you and to understand why you have chosen to come to shaman medicine. Additionally, he will guide you to set a purposeful intention. His presence along with his team of healers and musicians provides a ceremony experience like no other.

Meet Taita Juanito

Mar 7 - 14, 2021

Ben Decker

The Art of Healing

Make the most of your plant medicine journey by joining Ben Decker’s workshop, The Art of Healing.Embarking on a journey of mind-body-spirit healing is an initiation to the next version of yourself. That’s what you’re coming to Rythmia for, after all! To overcome your limitations, to be encouraged to live your most fulfilling life, and to help co-create a more beautiful world through your own healing.

Meet Ben Decker

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